QuestionsCategory: OtherHow do I start learning web design and development? What language should I start with, WordPress or Joomla?
Editor asked 2 years ago

How do I start learning web design and development? What language should I start with, WordPress or Joomla?

1 Answers
Editor answered 2 years ago

No languages – first learn programming.
Then you’ll need (in no special order) JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, and some server-side language (like PHP). And you should learn AJAX.

Then you can decide on whether to work with WordPress or Joomla (which are CMSs – Content Management Systems) – or build your own sites. For instance, giving users access to the site’s database, on a user-by-user basis (some can see certain information, some can only see other information – while some can modify some information) is trivial in PHP, but a bear in wither CMS

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