QuestionsCategory: OtherIs Google Alerts still the standard for which to monitor conversations about a particular product around the web?
Anonymous asked 2 years ago

Is Google Alerts still the standard for which to monitor conversations about a particular product around the web?

1 Answers
Editor answered 2 years ago

Trapit is a smarter Google Alerts. It works very well to follow a specific product. What sets Trapit apart from Google Alerts is the quality and relevance of the content it finds.

Trapit maintains an index of quality web content sources, every one of which has to be vetted by a human before its inclusion. I have never seen a single piece of spammy or even crappy content in Trapit. While this does cut down on the amount of content Trapit can find, they have collected hundreds of thousands of sources, so there is still a lot of content.

The other advantage of Trapit is its Natural Language Processing technology. Using the same technology found in Siri (software), it attempts to actually read content, enabling it to give better recommendations than Google Alerts.

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