QuestionsCategory: OtherIs there a way to create a full HTML / TEXT version of a WordPress site only for search engine crawlers automatically?
Anonymous asked 2 years ago

Is there a way to create a full HTML / TEXT version of a WordPress site only for search engine crawlers automatically?

1 Answers
Editor answered 2 years ago

I take it you are trying to raise the code to text ratio on your website is this so?

Ok well if you are looking to increase the code to text ratio on your website in WordPress these are the best things you can do to increase it
Ways to lower the amount of code on a web page

Use CSS layouts instead of table-based layouts.

Put CSS and Javascript into external files but try to keep them to a minimum max of 6 files if possible.

Take out tags that have no purpose.

Use valid code. A page scoring well everywhere is usually better than one which scores better but fails in most browsers.

Write more text on your posts increases the amount of content that is contained above the fold content.

I would also suggest you look at improving the page speed of the website at the same time as this will give you a rankings boost to minify javascript and CSS compress images so they are optimized and improve how the page renders when in the browser. Also, leverage browser caching as this will speed the process up with Gzip compression to help.

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