QuestionsCategory: Web Design & DevelopmentWhat are the best WordPress themes for creative web design agencies?
Anonymous asked 2 years ago

What are the best WordPress themes for creative web design agencies?

1 Answers
Editor answered 2 years ago

The best theme for a creative team that has access to a graphic designer and/or front-end developer is no pre-built theme at all.

Just use a starter theme and Visual Composer

For years I thought you could always find the perfect theme for the client’s needs. Just keep looking through ThemeForest until you find a WordPress theme designed specifically for their industry or offering. Then just swap out some colors, add a logo, and hand it over to them.


As many developers learn, someone is going to ask for something that is not included in the theme or, just as painful, want something removed. Sometimes it’s easy, like going in via SSH and doing a quick grep to search for an element ID. Then simply removing or hiding it. But many times, it’s like trying to decipher hieroglyphics!

And ultimately, the on-going maintenance and security updates for a pre-built theme become more time consuming than building it yourself.

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