QuestionsCategory: OtherWhich web design method is better for designing mobile pages, WordPress or Bootstrap?
Anonymous asked 2 years ago

Which web design method is better for designing mobile pages, WordPress or Bootstrap?

1 Answers
Editor answered 2 years ago

Bootstrap and WordPress serve two different functions and either one can stand fine on its own, but they also work well together.

Bootstrap vs WordPress isn’t a good question because you can build a site with both, either one singly, or neither.

The difference is that WordPress is a combination of back end and front end concepts where Bootstrap is only concerned with front end style & presentation.

While considering responsive web design, the fluid grid layout amends vigorously to the appropriate screen resolution, thus crafting a mobile-ready site is a smooth and easy task along with Bootstrap.

WordPress manages the content on your website and uses a theme to determine how that content is displayed. The theme is the presentation layer of your website. The theme controls things like how the content is arranged, the colours of your text, what buttons look like, and how your site changes when viewed on a mobile device.

WordPress is not your only option for Content Management Systems (CMS). If you want to edit all the HTML yourself, you don’t even need a CMS. If using an alternate CMS or no CMS at all, you can still use the Bootstrap front-end framework.

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